Every first Sunday of the month, our church members stay after the Worship Service for a Potluck and then break into smaller groups! We call this our monthly ministry gatherings. Learn more about our groups and be a part of one!
Bless others with your unique gifts and be blessed with theirs. Be part of a fellowship of women who love the Lord. Know more about Jesus and how to be an effective witness for Him.
Men are beset with various challenges but they don't have to go it alone. Find humor and encouragement by joining a prayerful band of faithful men who are committed to Christ and to their families.
Grow old gracefully. Join senior men and women who are passionate for the Lord as they actively seek souls to win to Jesus Christ.
Peer pressure, loneliness, the quest for adventure and a longing for acceptance tend to lure today's youth into some dangerous path. Invest your youthful days into something that truly counts. Pursue God and make a difference!
Have a fun-filled adventure of learning more about Jesus and how to live for HIm and love others. Learn to follow Christ's example and be more like Him.